Women of the Revolution
To me Colonial Women are my heros. They put themselves in the face of danger and wouldn’t let men tell them what they could or couldn’t be.
Emily Geiger volunteered to travel almost across South Carolina to save her country. General Green thought it would be to dangerous for a women to do it, but finally he gave in and let her go. On her first night she stayed with loyalist, she had to pretend to be a loyalist! As she traveled she was caught by British soldiers and brought to Fort Granby. They locked her in a room and the soldiers went to get a loyalist women to search her. She pulled out the note and memorized it, then she ATE IT! By the time the loyalist women came the note was gone. She was released and she carried on her way. She recited the note to General Sumter and he ordered his men to follow the directions of the note. SHE HAD SAVED THE REVOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Captain Molly (Margret M. Pitcher) believed that you shouldn’t let anyone tell you what you can or can’t be. She was a very brave woman. She was a country girl and was staying at Fort Tryon (under Fort Washington). After her husband was killed she took over his canon, loaded it and fired until she couldn’t anymore. Fort Tryon and Washington were taken over that day but Molly is still considered a heroine
Sybil Ludington was the daughter of General Ludington. She thought that all men and boys old enough should fight to save the country. When the British attacked Danbury she rode to get her father’s militia. In Danbury Patriot homes were set on fire but the loyalist homes were spared. When she got home British Loyalists were in the trees getting ready to attack the home and kidnap General Ludington. But Sybil thought fast and got her father brothers and sisters to walk around with brooms or guns if they had one in there hand and walk around a window to look like the militia. She had saved her father and the Revolution.
Debrorah Samson was and indentured servant until she was eighteen when she was granted her freedom. She wanted to fight for her country so she diguised herdelf as a boy and used the name of her deccsed brother Robert Shirtliff. She was shot and brought to the feild hospital. When she woke up she didn’t want the doctor to know she was really hurt so she grabbed a scapel, needle, and thread. She went outside and got the muskett ball that was stuck in her leg out. Everyone thought she was deed until she woke up. She had to tell Dr. Binney her secret (that she was really a girl). Then they brought Debrorah to Dr.Binney’s house. Debrorah Samson is a heroine to the country.
I hope you see why I wrote about all four instead of one. Coloniel women are amazing women!!! I hope to be as strong and brave s they were.