MLK Service
I don’t think this is full service, but what I did Monday is create a play on the Challenger explosion. Like I said it wasn’t full service but it was fun and we were active, by moving from room to room, starting over and over and over again, and setting the scene. I kinda think it was a service to my cousins and my sister because it was a great family time and a great time to learn (and improve) our acting skills. I lost my temper a few times getting them to cooperate but it was great in the end! Right now we have a ton of bloopers (some have us getting mad and one is really long cause I forgot to turn the video off) and the correct 9 scenes. I’m going to build this service by showing the video to my family and friends! (after I get someone to edit it) FYI the play is called The Survivor!
Why I think MLK service is a good idea:
We can learn to be kind and generous to others! When your kind to someone else they will be kind to another person and that will keep on going!!!!!!!!!!!!! So serve others like MLK would want us too! Treat others the way you want to be treated (THAT’S THE GOLDEN RULE)
Thank you for listening!!!