November 6

Colonial Leader

Who was Anne Hutchinson

Defendant in the most famous trials

Theoligin and held weekly sermons

Homeschooled which gave her a better education and interest in theology  due to her father

Believed Sola Fide (Faith Only) was needed for salvation

1638 was accused of heresy and was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony

Her Puritan Neighbors disagreed with her beliefs

Was determined to speak her mind

Her occupation was a midwife

She hosted 60 men and women in her home weekly

Courageous Exponent of Civil Liberty and Religious Toleration

That is Anne Hutchinson!

October 30

The Kidnapping

Halloween of 1913 the news sounded like this: 11 year old Bayla has kidnapped by a lady with a red dress,black cape, and brown hair. ———– if you——–see her——- contact 777-999-3333 or go to 302 Haunted St. to a lovely 13 year old named Lilah for help.  Now Bayla’s friend Carli was determined to find Bayla, so she rode the bus to Haunted St. Now Haunted St. was no lovely neighborhood. It was dark an spooky,no lights just dark. Every house but 302 was dark black and gloomy. 302 wa a bright sunset with flowers around every corner. Carli walked up to the porch. Then she froze, for sitting in a creaky rocking chair was an elderly woman with a pointy black hat, knitting a sock. She looked up at Carliand greeted her with a smile, then she ushered Carli in. “Oh Carli my cat told me you were coming, I see you met my grandmother!” said a young girl in a colorful dress as she waved at the elderly woman. “Who are you? How do you know my name? What are you doing?” asked Carli, clearly terrified. “I am Lilah, I know your mother, and I’m cleaning.” replied Lilah. Plates and Pillows flew around as Lilah waved a stick. “So who are we looking for today Carli?” Lilah asked as she sat down. “Bayla…” said Carli unsure. Bayla… Bayla… Bayla,” said Lilah in a soft voice. WHOOSH Carli blinked and she was standing in a graveyard. Canyon Cemetery to be exact. “BAYLA HELLOOOOOOO!” yelled Lilah. “She is in a tombstone.” said a distant voice. Suddenly a woman with wild brown hair, a long red dress, and a flying black cape came out of the woods. “HELP” screamed Bayla somewhere in the Cemetery. “SILENCE!” screamed the lady. “I am LADY REBECCA!’ yelled the woman”How about a duel for Bayla?” “Deal” answered Lilah. “Ok Carli you go find Bayla while I duel.” whispered Lilah. CRASH! BOOM! Spells were flying everywhere so were bats. Carli ran through the graveyard until she found Bayla. Together they ran through the woods until they were safe at 302 Haunted St. An hour later Lilah showed up at the door. She was a MESS! Her hair was singed from spells backfiring and her sleeve was ripped due to a bat swooping down and scratching her. It turns out Lilah won and Lady Rebecca fled. Lilah was forever known as a hero and respected by the town. Lilah was granted the keys to the town by Mayor Bacon. THE END

Category: Writing | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 8


My favorite parts about homecoming’s are…


The people

The Dedication 

  I love Homecoming because you can see friends that you missed

Best Friends 



              If Homecoming was a Holiday it would be my favorite

                                 GO ROUGHNECKS

Category: School | LEAVE A COMMENT
September 21

9/11 Reflection



9/11 was a tragic situation, but it also made us a strong more loving country. I learned alot about how scared the people were and how many planes were grounded.Although I could imagine how scared others were, I could not imagine how hurt families were when there heard that a relative had died. I learned that there are bad people in the world and we have to prepare ourselves for dangers ahead. I am also very amazed on the actions of flight 93 and how bad the terrorist were. I now believe that ordinary people can save a country. I have learned so much from 9/11/01 and I hope that it never has to happen again  

Category: History | LEAVE A COMMENT
September 19

Pumpkin Patch

One day I went to a Pumpkin Patch with my dad. It was a crisp cool October day. There was a big red barn . The pumpkins were either big or small, tall or short. But one thing they all had in common was they, were all orange. ib picked out the tallest, heaviest, and fattest pumpkin for myself. While my dad picked two measly little pumpkins for my siblings. We went in the barn to pay for the pumpkins, as I walked in the barn I smelt sugar and spice. It was warm and cozy. My dad bought the pumpkins and we left. (This is not a true story)

September 7

Life in Fifth Grade

My first two weeks in 5th grade have been amazing! My schedule goes like this Hall Meeting, Mr. McBride, Mrs. McFall (Homeroom), Mrs.Brantley, Enhancement, Lunch, Recess, Mrs.Brantley, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Ummel, and Dismissal!!

My favorite time of the day would probably be Hall Meeting, because I get to talk with my friends and once the bell rings we get to read our Library books! My least favorite thing so far is “5 things” on Flocabulary. My absolute favorite thing in the history of 5th grade is getting to edit and anchor the morning announcements!

5th grade has its perks like the Science Lab, Helping Pre-K, picking your seat at lunch, wearing Mr.Mac’s shoes, and Chatting with your friends before 1st period.

But it also has its downs like shorter recess.

5th Grade is Amazing and you would think so too!!

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